
Welcome to the FY 2023 National Survey of State Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Agencies' Employment and Day Services. This is a longitudinal study commissioned by the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to analyze day and employment service trends between FY 1988 and the current data collection year for individuals with intellectual disabilities and closely related conditions.

  1. All survey questions focus on information from FY 2023. Please use your state's 2023 fiscal year as the basis for your report. If data are not available for this period, please supply information from your most recent fiscal year and specify the time period used.
  2. This survey also allows you to edit your data from FY 2022. Previously submitted data for most variables can be found at
  3. Data provided by your state will be included on the website as well as in the report StateData: The National Report on Employment Services and Outcomes.
  4. This survey requests information on the total number of individuals served in employment and day services funded or monitored by your agency. This would include services funded by another state agency (such as the Medicaid agency) even though your state agency does not provide or directly contract for the service.
  5. Please do not include employment and day services that are conducted on the grounds of residential facilities with 16 or more residents.
  6. If you have questions concerning the survey, please email or call your survey contact or these members of our research staff:
  7. Please fill this survey out online and finalize your state’s response by September 13, 2024.

Here is a printable version of this year's survey. You can use this as a reference while collecting your data or filling out the online form.